Sunday, September 23, 2007

The Tragic Consequences of Drugging Our Children

Boy I just keep getting ammunition for the desperation our kids have for . I got the "opportunity" to work with the kindergarten to fifth graders at church this morning. It must be full moon because they were wild. But one little boy probably a fourth grader was out of control the entire two hours. He was either turned around hitting people, getting up and literally running around, getting in little skirmishes with other kids, you name it he was doing it; it was constant. I called him down and called him down. I went and sat beside him. I made him come sit off to the side with me. He just could not control himself. I thought to myself "". The bad part, his mom was in the room working also. She never said a word to him the entire time. I finally got exasperated with him and sent him to the back of the room. She was standing back there and I said to her "he is really struggling keeping his hands off the other kids I needed to remove him from the situation". She said "I forgot his this morning". I thought "if my child struggles that much I wouldn't forget that"! You don't say it, you just think it. But it doesn't answer the question, what are you feeding this child!

I recently received an update from Dr. Joseph Mercola entitled The Tragic Consequences of Drugging Our Children which gave me some shocking facts about the . He stated that the number of has more than doubled between 1995 and 2000.

Kids today are often labeled with for acting like kids, especially boys: they fidget, speak out of turn, don't want to sit still and just act hyper. Dr. Mercola stated that the diagnosis of ADHD is often made based on anecdotal evidence and standardized assessments from parents and teachers, without giving consideration to other potential factors like home life, , and environmental toxins.

He then went on to state that "if you've ever wondered why kids were rarely or in schools when YOU were growing up, this essential video may shed some insight." He is referring to a video on his website regarding this topic. Here is a link to the post Dr. Mercola's The Tragic Consequences of Drugging. It is a very enlightening video, well worth the watch.

Dr. Mercola goes on to discuss someone of the natural treatments for ADHD:

My experience today just continues to drive my passion for how desperate we are in this country for good nutrition. We may be getting calories but they are poisonous to our systems. That poison we call food then cause side effects that we then use drugs to try to control. Those drugs then jeopardize our health further. Talk about a dog chasing its tail!

This nutrition insanity has to stop.

I will put a disclaimer here. This is not a one size fits all post. I know there are situations that require medications but I also think too often we choose to medicate our kids because it is easier than getting serious about their . We are making lifetime decisions, choose well. Be your child's best advocate!

We'll talk more about this topic.

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